2nd communication


1. Structure of the Symposium and participation opportunities

Around its four themes, the Symposium will host the following main activities

  1. Keynote speeches (a) Inaugural and (b) closing.

    These plenary activities are in their final phase of elaboration and will have simultaneous translation.

  2. Roundtables.

    Plenary activities, with simultaneous translation. Four Roundtables will be carried on. In each one of them, 3 to 4 invited panelists will present and debate different viewpoints and perspectives on specific issues and dilemmas of the corresponding thematic axis. These discussions will be moderated by the following coordinators:

    Roundtable 1 - city and environment. Claudia Natenzon (Instituto de Geografía, Universidad de Buenos Aires)

    Roundtable 2 - urban form, structure, and growth. Beatriz Cuenya (Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales)

    Roundtable 3 - right to the city and urban reform, Raúl Fernández Wagner (Instituto del Conurbano, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento)

    Roundtable 4 - urban and environmental planning and management. Eduardo Reese (Instituto del Conurbano, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento)

    At the end of the round tables, discussion will be opened to the active participation of the floor.

  3. Papers in thematic sessions. Concurrent sessions, in original languages.

  4. Poster Exhibition and Discussion Forums, in original languages.

Presentation of papers in thematic sessions as well as Poster exhibitions and Discussion Forums are open spaces for those interested in participating to develop and submit abstracts for their evaluation and approval.

Papers on thematic sessions. They refer to the Symposium's four themes and may include results of completed research or advances of research in progress, institutional programmes and projects enrolled in them, critical analyses and reflections on the 'State of the art' of the addressed issues and other critical studies on the chosen topics. Selected papers will be presented by their authors, commented upon by discussants and opened to debate with /among attendees.

Exhibition of experiences and discussion Forum (E+F).These activities combine an expository mode (display of posters) with a participatory mode (discussion forum). We invite submission of abstracts and proposals for the following two Poster exhibitions with discussion forums:

PE+DF1: Models and experiences in Teaching and Training of Urban and Environmental planning (including undergraduate and graduate educational programs and courses; governmental public servants and technicians training programmes). The following subjects are suggested

-         Educational proposals and strategies,

-         Programme's epistemological foundations, theoretical and conceptual principles,

-         Disciplinary and interdisciplinary contents involved,

-         Types of knowledge and skills to be developed,

-         Didactic, pedagogical and philosophical approaches to teaching and learning/educational practice,

-         Methodological and technical tools, incorporation of advanced Information and Communication Technologies,  

-         Tasks, activities and resources

PE+DF2: Models, experiences and learning in Urban and Environmental Planning Practices (comprising public agencies at all jurisdictional levels; civil and grassroots organizations, Third Sector and academic institutions). The following subjects are suggested:

-         Origin and funding of the plan

-         Intervention objectives and scope of the plan

-         Scales of intervention and their interrelations

-         Maps of stakeholders and other involved social / institutional actors  

-         Organizational modalities and stages of the process

-         Working methodologies

-         Construction of intervention capacities

-         Impact of the change on contextual conditions or on alliances and conflicts between stakeholders

-         Strategies for recognising and approaching to problems and errors

-         Changes, reformulations, redefinitions

-         Results achieved

-         Current status of the processes

2. Presentation standards

Both types of presentations {(i) papers in thematic sessions and (ii) (E+F 1 and E+F 2 Posters)} should submit a summary for its approval by the Evaluation Committee.

  • Abstracts (in Spanish - Portuguese - English) may have a maximum length of one (1) page size A4, font Arial 11, single line spacing, and margins of 2.5 cm (1 inch) on all sides.
  • Authors of papers' abstracts should point out the thematic axis for which they apply; the authors of posters' abstracts will indicate which of the two subjects (E+F1 or E+F2) they apply to.

Abstract will introduce the subject and will describe objectives, methodology, the most relevant results or the project's progress,  main results and conclusions that will be developed in the final paper or poster,  as well the main bibliographical or documentary references on which is based.

Abstracts will be headed by:

- Title: bold, with initial capital letters

-Surname and name of the / author/s; Institution (s), city and country: contact e-mail address

-Key words (up to 5)

-The title will be centered. The other headlines will be right aligned.

In order to send/upload abstracts, please enter the following link and register as AUTHOR.  The system will guide you during the operation http://www.congresos.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/UPE/UPE11

Abstracts for papers until the next

March 24

Abstracts for Exhibition of experiences and discussion Fórum until the next 

March 28

Abstracts' acceptance will be notified to its authors by Monday, April 14.

In order for the final papers or posters to be included in the Symposium's programme, at least one of its authors must comply with the registration requirements as indicated in the calendar.

4. Important dates

Fechas importantes inglés

5. Fees, calendar and means of payment

Aranceles inglés

The registration fee covers the identification card, the Symposium's daily program (activities and schedules + abstracts of presentations and posters), digital book of accepted papers and poster presentations, certificates of participation, as well as the admission to the opening reception, midday meals and coffee breaks.

The fee does not cover other costs such as soft drinks at the faculty's Bar,  other meals, official conference banquet  (Thursday, September 18th), trips and mobility at La Plata city, Study Tours (Saturday, September 20th).

Costs for the Banquet, Study Tours and other special activities as well as accepted means of payment will be announced on the website shortly. Deposits and bank transfers will be received as well as payment by electronic means and credit cards.



Please find some accommodation options for you to make hotel reservations in La Plata. Please note that the city doesn't have a large hotel capacity; because of that we recommend to make your reservations as soon as possible. http://www.upe11.org/hotels

You can find more information at (http://www.upe11.org/home_en). Please contact us at any time: your questions will be welcome.

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Gob Daniel Scioli
Subsecretaría de Planificación
CPAU aus
Caja de Previsión Social